Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Three Stooges at the Israeli Airport meet the Keystone Cops on the Jordan Valley Bike Ride in Palestine

Thank Heavens that they did not let those pro-Palestinian supporters into Israel! You know, the ones who wanted to go to Bethlehem to show solidarity with the Palestinians who, for some reason, do not appreciate living under Occupation.

I can only say: "Thank you police, army, and government for keeping us safe from those people who wanted to go to the city where Jesus was born to call out for freedom, a few days after we finished our Jewish holiday of Pesach - that is about freedom and liberation from slavery and injustices. THANK YOU!"

I also wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Keystone Cops, and mainly Lt. Col. Eisner, who kept us all very safe by stopping those anarchists, who were riding those killer bicycles (we KNOW that they had to be anarchists since anyone who belongs to a movement with the word "solidarity" in it, must be an anarchist, just like Nobel Peace Prize winner, Lech Walesa, for example). Furthermore, although this has not yet been proven, I am sure that they were using their bikes as a decoy, just to throw the army off guard. They must have had some weapons, like water balloons or whistles, tucked away next to their energy bars.

Thank you Lt. Col. Eisner for such quick thinking! Wow - a blow to the face of one of those killer cyclists from Denmark, with your rifle butt. Can you believe the nerve of that Dane! He wasn't even wearing a helmet for safety. I guess he got what he deserved.

The Three Stooges (and their hundreds of extras) who kept those Palestinian supporters from entering our country and the Keystone Cops (see video above) led by Eisner, have made me and my fellow Israelis feel much, much safer. I was worried there for awhile, that Israel's worldwide hasbara campaign had fallen on hard times. But thanks to our men and women in blue, khaki, and plain clothes, our hasbara team will no longer be unemployed. Another sign of Israel's quick and forward-looking thinking, that keeps our economy strong!

With our neighbors?
End the occupation?
Honoring human rights?

Not in our back(front) yard. Not as long as we have the Three Stooges and the Keystone Cops to keep us here in Israel safe!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ugly face of the Occupation #2,376,982

This is not an easy video to watch, but it is an important to see how the Occupation has only ugly sides

Let the bicycle riders ride
Let the non-violent protesters protest
Let the people who come to show solidarity with the Palestinians under Occupation land at the airport

But better yet

Just end it

Stop trampling the rights of millions of people and there will be no reason for bicycle riders to ride, other than to enjoy the scenery and get exercise

There will be no reason for protesters to protest the Occupation; they will be busy living their lives

There will be no reason for people to fly in from around the world to demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians under Occupation; they will fly in to see all of the wonders we have in this land

The solution is in front of our noses:

Just end it

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pesach - Freedom means freedom for all

אנו שלגבינו חג הפסח הוא חג החירות לא נוכל לעשות שקר בנפשנו ובעת חגגנו אותו, רומסים את חירותו של עם אחר, אנו שגלינו מארצנו, לא נוכל לחגוג את חג הפסח בשעה שבגללנו מגורשים בני עם אחר מנחלת אבותיהם. לא נוכל לחגוג את חירותנו המדומה כשאנו משועבדים ליצרי ליבנו לשלוט על אנשים ושטחים לא שלנו

אנו שיהודים הננו לא נוכל לחגוג את חג הפסח כשאיננו מקיימים את מה שלדעת הילל הזקן היא מהות היהדות ומתמצית במשפט " את השנוא עליך אל תעשה לחברך"

לכו אנו, את הכוס הרביעית נרים בגאווה עם הפלסטינאים כשגם הם את חירותם יוכלו לחגוג  כשלכולנו תהיה זאת חירות אמיתית.

חג שמח. 


For those of us who see Pesach as mainly signifying freedom, we will not be able to lie to ourselves. While we are celebrating our freedom, we are trampling the freedom of another people. We, who were expelled from our land will not be able to truly celebrate Pesach, while we are responsible for the expulsion of another people from their homeland.  We will not be able to truly celebrate our liberation when we are enslaved and jailed by a need to control people and territories that are not ours. In other words “We cannot condone doing unto others, what we do not want done unto us.”

Therefore, we will wait to raise our fourth cup of wine, with pride, when our Palestinian brothers and sisters shall know freedom. Only then will we be able to truly celebrate; only then will we know true liberation.

Chag sameach – Happy holiday.