Monday, July 18, 2011

Proud to Work for Freedom and Human Rights

It seems that I, and the groups that I belong to, have done some pretty terrible things.

We work for freedom and human rights, and call out when we see injustices.
We work for dialogue, not violence.
We work for a humanity and sustainability, not for death and destruction.
We talk to our neighbors, instead of threatening them.
We reach out to our Palestinian friends in peace, instead of cowering in fear.
We believe in co-creating a future that is healthy for all of us, not one that is geared to benefit only some of us.
We refuse to be enemies.

Our Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, thinks that these are terrible ideas, terrible intentions, terrible actions. He is furious with Netanyahu and other Likud ministers  for not backing his call for an investigation of 'left-wing, human rights groups' (See Ha'aretz article here )

Dear Foreign Minister,
We are proud of our ideas, and of our actions.
We are proud of our ability to understand, that in order to live, we must honor life of all who live here.
We are proud to do our very small bit for freedom from oppression and human rights.

We suggest that for the sake of us all, you take your anger and channel it into life, not hate.
If you are interested, we will be very, very happy to share our knowledge, experience and insights with you.

Dear Mr. Lieberman - if you truly love our country, then consider supporting its fragile infrastructure of democracy and freedom. If you truly love our country, help us live, rather than digging us deeper into the pits of hate.

I am proud to be connected to groups, such as Other Voice and Friendship across Borders
I am proud to be part of a people's movement that says
no to discrimination
no to oppression
no to hatred
no to killing

If this makes us terrible, then God Bless terrible people...

1 comment:

  1. This what our daily lives should be about, saying no to all forms of discrimination, oppression, hatred and killings. And then the blessings of God will indeed be ours.
